
The Vocal Talents of Cats: Olga’s Repertoire of Sounds

Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga.

I cared for a Siamese cat for nearly 20 years and grew accustomed to his constant chatter and howling. Unlike Olga, he never stopped talking unless I used to be petting him or he was sleeping. I wasn’t used to having a quiet pet once I adopted Olga, and when she was a kitten, she sounded more like a mouse than a cat because her meows appeared like squeaks.

She’s more talkative now, especially within the morning before breakfast, and her vocal range is more expansive. Olga doesn’t have the chops of my Siamese, but she’s much louder and harder to disregard than when she was a number of years ago. She didn’t make a sound in her carrier once I adopted her, but after her first trip to the vet, she became more vocal during automotive rides.

Be careful! Your hand looks tasty.

The Carrier Meow

Convincing Olga to get into her carrier is a struggle. Since her veterinary appointments are at all times early within the morning, she knows she’s heading to the vet’s office if I don’t feed her breakfast. She hides from me and runs away until I finally catch her and put her within the carrier.

She doesn’t stop whining until I take her out of the carrier within the examination room. Her meows within the carrier are repetitive and sound sadder than those she uses to beg for food. They’re so repetitive that I’m surprised she has time to take a breath, and although I’m at all times patient along with her, the constant meow, meow, meow is difficult to endure. Luckily, it’s only a 30-minute trip.

The Olga Grunt

Without opening her mouth, Olga grunts if I have a look at her when she’s hungry. She sits next to my chair and stares at me when it’s near dinnertime, but sometimes, the staring begins a number of hours early. I ignore her stare to discourage her from begging too early, which doesn’t help, but she’s quiet unless I make eye contact. She also makes the grunt if I pet her when she’s attempting to sleep or show her a toy or paper ball I’m about to throw.

This is how I strut!

That is how I strut!

The Howl at Dawn

I often rise up before dawn, and even on the weekend, I can’t sleep very late because my Russian Blue turns right into a feline alarm clock and not using a snooze button. She’s loudest within the morning, and the longer I attempt to sleep, the louder she gets.

I didn’t think she was able to howling until recently, but now she’s nearly as expert at it as my Siamese cat. She runs across the house, screams, and typically jumps into the bath so the sound echoes and carries farther. It’s a warning that if I don’t feed her soon, she’ll find something to destroy or bat around in the home.

After I finally get up and walk to the kitchen to feed her, she’ll whine if I’m not moving fast enough. I’m completely satisfied she’s not a squeaker and is more talkative, even when the pleas for food change into obnoxious.

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